The Collector: Two

The door swung in, and with it, the dark, the evil shadows lurking in every corridor of the macabre fortress the children called home. Rennard twisted about, fearful he had been discovered by the master, only to find Jacob, soaked from head to sock, standing at the threshold. Glaring at Rennard as though he were the […]

Wetlands: Chapter Three

The journey back to the bunkhouse had been far shorter than that of to the temple for Es’Con, but of course, on his return, he had no concern for stealth. Vilni and his boys could likely have seen him coming down the street for the better part of five minutes before he reached them at […]

Of Mortals: Chapter Thirty-Seven

The incitement of the mob was a simple matter; keeping them in order and not mauling down those who would aid in the conflict was another thing entirely. Had Orathone and Litheiuss not discovered the elk in the outskirts as they plotted and made clear their intent, they would have been rolled over by the […]

Of Mortals: Chapter Thirty-Six

For this plan to work, Imfay had to count on two things, expert timing and overly dimwitted jailers. As the hinges of the door into the dungeon squawked like a myter in need of one final blow, the elk threw himself to the floor. Sliding the arrow up through his sleeve, he penetrated his paw […]

Of Mortals: Chapter Twenty-Seven

The armored bird was slow in going, initially, as though it’s limbs, like that of any living creature, had to reawaken after untold time atrophying in the dark. Yet, in time it was able to rise and articulate the clawed hands sheltered beneath its dusted-over wings. Before long, the automated avian was pacing back and […]

Of Mortals: Chapter Twenty-six

“…Jaium!” Sirian sat up with a growl of concern, her mind racing as her eyes shot about wildly. It took a few moments, but before she knew it, reality had set back in, and the vision painted in her mind’s eye was little more than an echo. Even as she sat there on the cold, […]

Of Mortals: Chapter Twenty-five

Jaium slashed down another of the beasts, still trying to surge their way up the mound into the gates. It was far easier to do things this way, but all the same, far more dangerous for those on the ground. All that could be hoped, for those brave wolves around Jaium, was that those on […]

Hunger: Finale

By the time Raul was done all that remained were blood-slicked yellow jumpsuits that had become receptacles for dissembled skeletons. Even as his stomach bulged, Raul felt a growling groping his innards with intense violent motions. It took him a few moments after swallowing up the last of the hazmat men before he was looking […]

Hunger: Chapter Six

As Raul slowly made his way down the steps, each wrung ringing the metallic sound of his movements, he could see fear develop in the creature. Without eyes or seemingly any other facial details all that could alert any to its terror was its squawking. The others didn’t seem to interested in their comrades pleas […]

Hunger: Chapter Five

As the shrieking cry rattled through the area, Raul felt his courage shrivel up and fall away. The space lost its dreamy qualities. Raul no longer felt a haziness pressing on his mind and for a second he had to wonder if this was real. As the six, inhumanly tall and slender birds crept nearer, […]